Application for the granting of temporary permission for the public exercise of priestly ministry in the Archdiocese of Malta

This application is intended for priests who are not incardinated in the Archdiocese of Malta in order to exercise public priestly ministry during their stay in the Archdiocese.

The granting of such permit does NOT constitute incardination according to Canon 268. Should there be intent of incardination, apart from this permit, as per precepts of Canon 268, a quo and ad quem ordinaries need to be explicitly informed by a formal written request. As regards the Archbishop of Malta, a letter of acknowledgement is issued as an indication that such formal written request has been received and is being evaluated.

Neither does such permit entitle the priest to any form of remuneration, or other benefit, apart from the elemosina given for the Mass intention. So that a priest may be assigned to a ministry against remuneration or other benefit, apart from the said permit, an auxiliary written agreement between the priest, his Ordinary and the Archbishop of Malta is required.

Priests who are not in possession of a valid celebret issued by the Archdiocese of Malta or the Diocese of Gozo, and who have not been granted a temporary permit following their application, may concelebrate with a duly authorized priest, or exercise their priestly ministry towards Catholic pilgrims travelling in their group as long as they present a valid celebret issued by their Ordinary.

The applicant needs to:

  1. Fill all fields and upload the documents requested in the form below
  2. Print the PDF received upon submission in the email address inserted in the form
  3. Get the PDF signed and stamped as indicated
  4. Send a scanned copy of the signed and stamped PDF to [email protected]
  1. A valid Celebret (a copy to be uploaded in the form below);
  2. A valid civil identification document containing a photograph of applicant (a copy to be uploaded in the form below);
  3. A brief curriculum vitae of the individual including details of priestly formation, ordination, academic qualifications and a summary of past ministries (a copy to be uploaded in the form below);
  4. Permission by the priest’s Ordinary to minister beyond one’s circumscription of incardination;
  5. A declaration by the Ordinary that his priest is not suspected or convicted, by ecclesial or civil authorities, of any offence which might hinder the priest’s suitability

The applicant is requested to present originals/authentic copies of all the documents on the granting of such permission.

Upon receipt of the signed and stamped application on [email protected], an acknowledgement shall be sent via email within five (5) working days.

The application can take up to three (3) months to be processed. It is highly recommended that the application be submitted well in advance of the period when the permit is required.

By applying, the priest is aware that the Archdiocese of Malta reserves the right to undertake any local and/or international background verifications, both ecclesiastically and civilly, which are deemed necessary. The Archdiocese may also ask for letters of recommendation before granting such permit.

The Archdiocese of Malta reserves the right to refuse issuing such permit for any reason that the Archbishop of Malta may deem necessary without being bound to disclose such reason.

Permission to exercise public priestly ministry (in Malta) is granted in writing by the Archbishop of Malta after hearing the recommendations of the Auxiliary Bishop, the Safeguarding Commission, the Provincial (in case of a religious order), the Vicar for Clergy and Parish Life, and any other consultation body he deems opportune to consult.

The Archbishop of Malta may require the priest to attend a formation programme/s, undergo a psychological assessment or seek psychological assistance, regularly attend mentoring sessions or any other request he may deem necessary.

The Archbishop of Malta may revoke any granted permission without giving the priest any reason or prior notice. 

Should there be an investigation on the priest regarding any misconduct on his part, or should any disciplinary action be taken by his Ordinary or state entities, the applicant binds himself to inform the Archbishop of Malta, who will duly evaluate whether the said permit should cease to be valid in Malta. In this eventuality, the priest will be required to return the issued permit documents immediately.

Application Form

"*" indicates required fields

Applicant Details

DD slash MM slash YYYY
Address of Current Residence*
Kindly include international code eg. +33 or 0033

A PDF of your application will be sent to this email address. Please make sure it is correct.

DD slash MM slash YYYY
Eg: Bishop, Archbishop or Provincial
Period of temporary permit to exercise priestly ministry in the Archdiocese of Malta:
DD slash MM slash YYYY
DD slash MM slash YYYY
Upload your curriculum vitae which should be brief and must include details of priestly formation, ordination, academic qualifications and a summary of past ministries.
Accepted file types: jpg, pdf, Max. file size: 5 MB.
Upload your valid Celebret.
Accepted file types: jpg, pdf, Max. file size: 5 MB.
Upload your valid civil identification document containing your photograph.
Accepted file types: jpg, pdf, Max. file size: 5 MB.
Upload a passport style photo. Submit a color photo, taken in the last 6 months with a clear image of your face, without sunglasses or hats and with a plain (ideally white) background.
Accepted file types: jpg, png, Max. file size: 5 MB.


I declare that:*
Kindly mark all tick boxes